Spiritual TeacherS

This page is called “Spiritual Teachers”. But actually the truth is all about no teacher, no teaching, no doing. Just being. Still there is lots of beauty and wisdom to be found in what Ram Dass tells about Maharajji’s words and in the words of Papajii that he left behind for us.

Ram Dass & Maharajji

Ram Dass, formerly Dr. Richard Alpert, was doing LSD and Psilocybin research in the 60s for the Harvard university with Timothy Leary before getting fired for too much private use of it. His very first moment of realisation that there is consciousness behind all form came while having his first psychedelic experience- with Psilocybin. Over the next years he then began a search to stay constantly high with a lot of LSD use. Which surely didn’t work.

When he finally met his guru Neem Karoli Baba, called Maharajji, a few years later in india he totally opened up and he found the LOVE he even couldn’t find with using the LSD.

Below are two pictures of both, left Maharajji, right Ram Dass.

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Psilohuasca.com - Ram Dass image

Ram Dass shares in endless recorded lectures and books (starting with ‘Be here now’) his story of awakening. And so honest and direct but also funny, that it opens the heart. He got lost in many, many roles and a lot of them I could find myself also being lost in, all due to my clinging to them. So he was helping me a lot with what is “being said through him”. All his “teachings” come down to two things, which was one of the many teachings Maharajji has given him.


I found those two to be the essence of living life ‘the right way’ and I am successfully living them, well most of the time :-).

Out of many beautiful lectures/videos on the tube I grab here one from the 80s. He’s so sweet and honest.

Here is an extra, an audio snippet where he tells us the story of “Love everyone and tell the truth”. So beautiful it still gives me wet eyes. The snippet includes him reading a very beautiful and wise poem by Thich Nhat Hanh.

H.W.L. Poonja also known as Papajii

Psilohuasca.com - Papaji image

Papajii was the one to get Arjuna (see below) to realize that- 


And this is nothing but the simplest truth. I very often encounter people who are desperately trying to become “more enlightened” and think that the powerful psychedelic drugs can help them with this task. Well, to safe you a lot of time- I am not supporting your search with my work. I am supporting you to give it up- which is actually nothing to do.

I love Papajii. He is so sweet and loving. Full of fun and joy. Watch th great documentary “Call off the search”. (see below)

In there you find Papajii’s wisdom like:

“So laugh away your problems. If any problem comes, laugh it away!”.

Arjuna Ardagh

Psilohuasca.com - Arjuna Ardagh imageI got to know about Arjuna when I saw the documentary film “Awake”.

He is such a wise and lovely being. I bumped into him when the time for his words had come. His words showed me different things than Ram Dass or Papajii, exactly when I needed them.

There are two great books/audio books- called “Leap before you look” and “Let yourself go”. 

Below are two links- one is a collection of his ‘Awake’ appearance and the other a very personal interview with lots of info about his past, his “awakening moment” and how he found that the most seductive role is the one being a spiritual teacher. And that it’s much better to act as a spiritual coach. Since coaching always centers about the coachee, not the coach.

Psilohuasca.com - Arjuna Ardagh image

I got to know about Arjuna when I saw the documentary film “Awake”.

He is such a wise and lovely being. I bumped into him when the time for his words had come. His words showed me different things than Ram Dass or Papajii, exactly when I needed them.

There are two great books/audio books- called “Leap before you look” and “Let yourself go”. 

Below are two links- one is a collection of his ‘Awake’ appearance and the other a very personal interview with lots of info about his past, his “awakening moment” and how he found that the most seductive role is the one being a spiritual teacher. And that it’s much better to act as a spiritual coach. Since coaching always centers about the coachee, not the coach.

Nicholas Sand

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Above is Nicholas ‘Nick’ Sand, a chemist.

Nick is so sweet, so wise and so very honest. He was the most successful and famous LSD chemist of the 60s, father of ‘orange sunshine’. He was the one who found that DMT is active when the freebase is vaporized. He was part of the community around Richard Alpert and Tim Leary and produced billions of dosages LSD over the decades till he got arrested and put to prison.

During the time in prison, he awoke from the dream due to the suffering he had to go through, he tells you this deep touching and spiritual story here

Here is a collection of more ‘material’ about him on the DMT Nexus. Very special is also this interview.

Finally a beautiful speech he gave right after he was released from prison:

Inner Worlds – Outer Worlds

Finally I wanna share a documentation, actually the BEST I’ve ever seen which totally brings EVERYTHING to the point.

Its beautifully made and has great visualization and music. And its even HD and with subs. PLEASE watch it, its so gorgeous.

That’s their website www.innerworldsmovie.com (you can stream from there).

If you love it you can donate some bucks for their work, but its not a must, its all given for free.